
I worked on different research projects in the Digital Health domain. My research focuses on privacy and security for personal data. I investigated the fields of GDPR-compliant consent management and the application of privacy preserving technologies like Differential Privacy.

Here is an example architecture for privacy preserving data donations from my research: Privacy Preserving Data donation

My whole research topics were combined in my PhD thesis to a prototypical system: Prototypical System

We also investigated the feasibility of different synthetic data generators and there specific privacy and usability: Privacy Utility Analyses

(See the full paper here)

My German PhD thesis is published online. You can find most of the publications I collaborated on Google Scholar.

Software/App Development

Apple Plattform

I create apps for Apple plattforms since 2012. You can see my currently available apps in the AppStore here. Some apps reached there end of support and are not available anymore.

My most popular apps are:

  • PiPifier: A Safari extension for macOS and iOS that enables Picture in Picture mode on every video on the web. This app uses JS and Swift technologies. It is also open source (However, I am a bit behind maintaining the repository) PiPifier_Demo_iOS

  • µBrowser: µBrowser was the first standalone web browser for Apple Watch. It was featured by Apple in US App Store and on the watchOS App Store. µBrowser

µBrowser Feature

I created apps for every current Apple plattform in Objective-C, Swift, AppKit, UIKit, and SwiftUI. I am very eager to learn more about existing and new technologies

Other projects

I worked on several work and hobby projects where I used various different technologies. I like to use Python for any kind of quick script or data analyses using Jupyter. I am also familiar with web technologies like ReactJS and deployment of web apps using container technologies like Docker. In general, I am very quick learner in every kind of programming language and technology.